DriveTime Golf
Drivetime Golf Tournament Series
Coming Soon January 23rd!
Ryder Cup Format
Tuesdays Jan 23rd – Feb 27th
Six Teams (2 players /team)
$250 / Team
Weekly Drink Specials:
– $3 Domestic Beer
– $5 Mixed Drinks (Jack, Captain, Titos)
Click link below to sign-up!
– 9 holes low gross score
– 3 holes Four Ball (Everybody plays their own ball. Each team counts the lowest of its two scores on each hole)
– 3 holes Foursome (Each of the two teams plays the same ball e.g. Team Birdie v Team Par one ball in play
alternating shots until the whole is complete. Players alternate hitting tee shots e.g., Johnny
tees off hole 1 & 3 Frankie tees off hole 2.
– 3 Holes Singles Match Play : One team member with lowest gross score from the Four Ball match will play 3 hole
single match play. Parings will be random draw.
-2 points given for a win
-1 point given for a loss
Week Six: 9 Holes (6 Holes Fourball, 3 Holes Foursome)
– 3 top teams will face off .
– 3 bottom teams will face off.
Participants are required to download the aG Locker mobile app from aboutGolf and to log into the simulator each time you play.
📅 Schedule:
Week 1: Ocean Course at Kiawah Island, USA, SC
Week 2: Le Golf National, FRANCE
Week 3: Hazeltine National Golf Club, USA, MN
Week 4: Gleneagles, Scotland 🏴
Week 5: Whistling Straits, USA, WI
Week 6: Marco Simone Golf Club, ITALY

Men will play from the White Tees and Women will play from the Red Tees.
There is a 6 foot “Gimme Distance.” You will continue to putt until the putt is made, or within 6 feet the simulator will add one stroke auto gimmie to your score and hole out.
Green Speed (STIMP) is set at 9.5
In the event of an unplayable ball, the simulator will auto drop your ball. In some cases e.g., par 3 holes the simulator will apply stroke and distance drop.
Points awarded & Ties
3 points per match – winner takes 2, losers 1, ties result in halved points (1.5 per team)
In the event that the simulator does not register a shot, players will be able to replay the shot with no penalty. In the rare case it does happen make sure your ball is in the “hitting zone” and the 3Trak indicator is green.
In the event of technical difficulty requiring the simulator to be rebooted, play will resume from the start of the hole where the reboot was required. The previous strokes on that hole, if any, will be replayed.
Thanks for joining our 2024 Ryder Cup Tournament!